Clock In / Out via telephone number, mobile device and standalone Kiosk from multiple locations all to the same database.
Timekeeping | ||
Multiple Clock In/Out Methods | Location Verification | Geofencing |
Statistics / Budget Management | Project Work Management/Profitability | Payroll Export |
Early / Late Arrivals / No Show Alerts | Supply Order Notifications | Time Adjustments |
Automated Scheduling | Task Schedules | Work Orders/Projects |
Approaching overtime alerts | GPS location verification | Schedule a Demo |
Continue below and learn more about how ExpressTime Solutions Software can benefit your service company.
The ExpressTime suite of software products was built on over 30 years of service industry experience. Growing your commercial cleaning and janitorial company comes with an onslot of challenges. Hiring and retaining employees that usually work in the evening, nights, and weekends typically put the old school punch time card to the test.
Mobile timekeeping and time tracking apps for cleaning companies, GPS location verification, and standalone kiosk(s) on location are a great start to solving the many challenges that lie ahead. For those that need it, a telephone can be used to call in / out from the designated facility being serviced. Read more about how ExpressTime can help your Commercial and Janitorial Cleaning Company time management needs.
Medical professionals are on the move 24 hours a day 7 Days per week. As the population ages, Nurses and their assistants find themselves caring for their patients in their homes. Further, home health aides may perform different procedures, physicals and assessments at multiple facilites across town.
ExpressTime offers the ability for professionals on the go to clock in and out via GPS... Click Here to learn more about how we can help with your home health business
Private security for mid-large sized companies coupled with campuses with hundreds or even thousands of employees find themselves on the move throughout the day and into the night hours. ExpressTime has the ability for your secutiry professionals to clock in or out via GPS, kiosk, or by telephone with caller id to the campus and building(s) for timekeeping / time tracking purposes.
Is the Main Stairwell secure? What about the 3rd floor executive offices? Is the lock working properly to the data room? ExpressInspections is a welcome addition to the suite of products for the security industry. Click Here to learn more about how our suite of software products can help.
Whether its a 40 unit apartment building to 50 acre corporate entity housing 10 different buildings, or a 300 lawn per week route along with two commercial HOA neighborhoods, there is a chance that the crew(s) will need to clock in / out.
ExpressTime provides the ability to provide timekeeping, time tracking with multiple reports, Client Communications portal, and Inspections all in one place. Lawn and Landscape professionals will have the abuility to track actual vs budgeted hours to determine if the project was profitable, have the ability to converse with their clients via the Express Communications portal and provide site inspections that seamlessly integrate with the Communications portal. Learn more about ExpressTime for Lawn and Landscape companies. Read more about how we can help with your Lawn and Landscape Management Company
Facility and property managers might make 3 stops per day or they might make 10. ExpressTime provides the ability to clock in/out of each location to better track time spent onsite. It is important to be able to determine how much time is spent on each building.
Client Communications ensures that you and your client stay connected. Not only does this help with customer retention, this time saving feature ensures that important notes are kept and assignments made to properly address any concerns that your customer has. In addition, ExpressInspections can be utilitezed by supervisors and managers to take a proactive approach to resolving any concerns in a timely manner. Read more about how we can help with your Facility and Building Management company
Facility and property managers might make 3 stops per day or they might make 10. ExpressTime provides the ability to clock in/out of each location to better track time spent onsite. It is important to be able to determine how much time is spent on each building. Read more about how ExpressTime can help your company.
Client Communications ensures that you and your client stay connected. Not only does this help with customer retention, this time saving feature ensures that important notes are kept and assignments made to properly address any concerns that your customer has. In addition, ExpressInspections can be utilitezed by supervisors and managers to take a proactive approach to resolving any concerns in a timely manner.